There are currently six Senate bills pending in the Michigan Legislature which, if passed, would significantly overhaul Michigan’s environmental remediation programs and drastically alter brownfield redevelopment in Michigan. These six Senate bills are referenced as Senate Bills 606 through 611 and are oddly referenced as the “Polluter Pay” amendments. The reference to “Polluter Pay” amendments is ironic, considering the fact that in 1991, there were “Polluter Pay” amendments to Michigan’s principal environmental remediation statute which created a strict, retroactive and joint and several liability structure for individuals and businesses who had any legal connection to contaminated property in Michigan. Four years later, the Legislature recognized that this approach to liability was a significant impediment to redeveloping Michigan’s urban industrial core. Accordingly, those laws were restructured to allow certain individuals and businesses to acquire and redevelop contaminated property without liability, so long as they did so responsibly. Notably, these amendments did not let alleged polluters off the hook, they simply retargeted enforcement to individuals who were actually responsible for causing contamination.
The currently pending Senate bills would return Michigan to liability structures and redevelopment challenges which will likely dissuade property owners and investors from purchasing and responsibly redeveloping contaminated property. Some highlights of the proposed Senate bills are as follows:
In addition to these changes to the cleanup program, there are also some structural legal changes proposed in these amendments. The proposed Senate bills would amend the statute of limitations to permit third-party claims asserting cleanup liability or for environmental damage, regardless of when the contamination occurred, so long as the suing party can demonstrate that they did not know about the contamination. In addition to economic damages, plaintiffs would have the ability to collect the cost of future medical monitoring expenses in the event that they are unable to show a current injury created by exposure to contaminants. In addition, the pending legislation proposes to allow EGLE to create new environmental standards and remediation benchmarks by administration memos, rather than promulgated rules or statutes, which is what is currently required.
These current bills are likely to see attention by the Legislature in the very near future. Stay tuned for additional progress reports. Contact the team at Kuhn Rogers today for more information.